Our Services

 EPCT believes — Specialization Is a Continual Process. We, However, Specialize In a Few Fields

01. Architectural Design

3d Modelling & Animation

Land Use Plan

Architectural Plan, Elevation & Section


Public Building

Residential Building

Commercial Building

Property Development

02. Structural Design

Building Design – RCC Structure

Building Design – Steel Structure

Retrofitting Design

Slope Protection Work

Retaining Wall DesignResidential Building

Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA)

03. Road infrastructure

Design and construction– Roads, Highways, Railways, and Airports

Safe, efficient, and sustainable Transportation systems

Layout and alignment of roads

Materials selection and construction techniques

Traffic patterns, travel demand, and environmental impacts

04. Plumbing Design

Underground & Overhead water tank design

Design & Specifying plumbing systems

Distribution of water, waste disposal, and ventilation

Analyses water supply and waste disposal needs

Location and orientation of the pipes and fixtures

05. Electrical Design

House Wiring Design

Consumer Census

Line work design

06. Soil Test

Standard Penetration Test

Moisture content

Specific gravity

Unit Weight

Unconfined Compression test

Consolidation test

Shear test

Conduct engineering analysis of field data

Conduct engineering analysis of field data Provide foundation design criteria based on field data

Recommend bearing capacity of soil

07. Surveying

Land Survey

Topo-graphical Survey

Contour Survey

Route Survey


08. Planning & Management

Project Supervision

Project Planning & management

Institutional planning & design

Land use

Rural, Peri-urban, and Urban

09. LAND Acquisition

Land Acquisition Plan

Facility Services to Acquire Land


Feasibility Study

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)